Exhibit Design Receives 3rd Recognition
Our collaboration with the Seacoast Science Center on their aquarium exhibit, "Our Dynamic Gulf of Maine: A Place of Urgency & Hope" has received an award in the 'Designing for Good' category by the 60th annual GDUSA American Graphic Design Awards. This marks the 3rd recognition the exhibit has received to date including being rated a top aquarium in the country and recognized by the New England Museum Association.
With more than 9,000 entries, this project was selected among a talented field of designers within a category of inspired projects that raise attention to a cause.
The Designing for Good category is meant to be a 'powerful force for good' and raise awareness to important issues and truths by telling a story and engaging an audience to the matter of importance. "Our Dynamic Gulf of Maine: A Place of Urgency & Hope" does exactly that. The exhibit illustrates the real effects of climate change to the Gulf of Maine with an educational journey through the exhibit space. Visitors learn about warming waters and engage in critical thinking regarding the health of our oceans.
To learn more about the project, click here.
To view the GDUSA award, click here.